2025 Maths Methods Units 1 & 2

Here's what's in store:

Foundation Reinforcement

Dive into essential Year 10 concepts ensuring a robust base.

Advanced Learning

Delve deep into new material for Units 1/2, ensuring you're steps ahead.

Exam Mastery

Get introduced to exam-style questions and master the techniques to approach them effectively.

CAS Calculator Skills

Understand detailed functionalities and applications of the CAS calculator for efficient problem-solving.

Skill Drills

After each topic, engage in drills to build speed, confidence, and ensure topic mastery.

Knowledge Checkpoints

Regular in-class mini quizzes to validate your understanding and application of taught concepts.

Final Assessment

End your head start with an assessment providing a clear indicator of your performance and readiness for the year ahead.


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Box Hill

Thursday 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Glen Waverley

Wednesday 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
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Note:  These classes will also be streaming online simultaneously. The timetable may be subject to change. 

Frequently asked questions

What textbooks are used in this course?

The recommended textbook is by Cambridge University Press, Senior Mathematics:
These books can be purchased at many bookshops that supply VCE textbooks, for example, Campion Education (or directly via the links below).

Some schools use Jacaranda MathsQuest or Nelson. These can be provided upon request however we recommend the Cambridge text as it has more difficult questions. The other texts are beneficial for supplemental reading only.

What are the tutorial dates and times?

You can download a PDF copy of the tutorial dates and times below.

What CAS Calculator is used in this course?

The recommended CAS calculator is the Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX CAS (Series 1 or 2). This calculator has the best functionality for VCE Mathematics. Support for the CASIO ClassPad is provided, but we highly recommend students using the Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX CAS where possible.

They can be purchased brand new from Officeworks here.

There are two versions of the calculator:
  • TI-Nspire CX, and
  • TI-Nspire CX CAS
Do NOT confuse the two - please ensure you purchase the "TI-Nspire CX CAS" model.

Support for Casio ClassPad will also be provided if required. It is highly recommended that students use the TI-Nspire CX CAS as its functionality and performance are generally superior to that of the ClassPad.

For students undertaking the Computer Based Exam course, we will be using Wolfram Mathematica.

What software is used in this course?

Artin Education utilises a variety of software for Education, both during class and outside of class. Software operating costs are included with fees, there is no separate charge for technology. Below is a list of the core software that we use.

  • Artin Online - our Learning Management System
  • Zoom - for online lessons, all lessons will be delivered in a hybrid mode for 2023 - this means both in-person and online options are available

We also use a variety of other software to facilitate learning. These range from online quizzing, notes to results tracking software.

What do I need to know about fees and payments? 

Artin Education accepts payments using Credit Card via Stripe - you will receive an invoice once payment has been made.

We missed a lesson, and forgot to tell you, can we get a refund?

created by

Ming Lian

Ming Lian is the co-founder of Artin Education and its head Mathematics tutor for over 9 years.

Having completed his VCE in 2014 with raw scores of 48 in Mathematical Methods and 50 in Specialist Mathematics, he went on to study Commerce at the University of Melbourne, majoring in Actuarial Studies.

Previously, Ming had worked extensively in the educational industry, working on projects and consulting at Cambridge University Press, Edrolo, Texas Instruments, and more.

At Cambridge University Press, he is one of their presenters for latest Senior Maths and Junior Maths textbooks, with his name published on the interactive book for Specialist Mathematics. In addition, he consults with authors and has written and reviewed material prior to the publication of many new Mathematics textbooks.